Recap | Nordic Day & Premiere of Shanghai Queer

On June 16, the closing of ShPFF 2019 was held at the Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai. The Nordic Day brought a special collection of 10 Nordic short films to the Shanghai audience. Mr. Jakob Linulf, Consul General of the Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai, made a short speech before the screening.

First up were four short films from Denmark: Project Baby, Renovation, October Boy, and Cognitio. These unique films have delicate characters and excellent cinematography; the audience was touched by the films.

Rebecca Emcken, the Director of Cognitio, shared the life of young people in Denmark. She said that her film also paid attention to the emotions of these people.

The short films A Poly Love Story and The Image of You from Finland were also screened. The Image of You showcased emotions and relationship via dance.

We also invited Sam Valherlehto, a dancer from Finland who currently resides in Shanghai to share with the audience about how dance influences lives.

After that, Norway Presents enabled us to screen Break Me and The Half Wall, while Sweden Presents helped us screen Pictures of Leo and Thrust. Chinese Short Film Awards nominee, Floss, which is supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Beijing, was also screened. The main cast, Etsen Chen was present to meet the audience. The highlight was when a discussion was arranged to learn about the Nordic LGBTQ community and the guests’ experience in Shanghai.

The closing film of ShPFF 2019 was Shanghai Queer. It was the film’s premiere after 2 years of production and the crowd was eager to watch it. Before the screening, Mr. Jose Sia, the Political, Economic, and Cultural Consul of the Canadian Consulate General in Shanghai, shared his support to the community and the development of the Canadian LGBTQ community.

The closing film, Shanghai Queer interviewed many community advocates and pioneers which showcased the progress and development of the Shanghai LGBTQ community for the past fifteen years. The documentary deeply touched the audience, who cheered and applauded throughout the screening. The filmmakers were also present to share the behind the scenes and motivation.

Special thanks to Royal Danish Consulate in Shanghai, Consulate General of Finland in Shanghai, Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai, and the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai for their support. Also, thank you Mr. Willis & Co, Food from Finland, Roberts Berrie, Valio, Ambronite, Aass, OLW and Oatly for the delicious refreshments.

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