LGBT Speed Dating

LGBT Speed Dating setup enables participants to meet at least 15 potential matches in one evening. Not only do they provide a chance to find love, but they are also great for socializing and making new friends, and they are very fun!

Date: Wednesday April 23,8PM-10PM
Venue: Lola, Bldg 4, 570 Yongjia Lu, near Yueyang Lu

Pre-registration starts April 14 -22,The price include a ShanghaiPRIDE T-shirt
Ticket Price: online pre-registration ticket 50 RMB, and price on the door 80RMB

You can pay using alipay:

Or you can purchase a ticket Shanghai Studio and 390 during pre-registration date

For those who pay via Alipay, please put your “name + mobile” in remarks on the payment page. For those who buy tickets on site, please send your “name + mobile + where you buy the ticket”. You will receive an SMS to confirm the purchase. We will check your confirmation SMS upon entry on April 23, 2014. Only limited spots are available. Sigh up early to make sure you get in.

*With all proceeds to benefit ShanghaiPRIDE


2 Responses

  1. austin


  2. im going

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