Vote for your Favorite Pride7 T-Shirt Design!!
This year, ShanghaiPRIDE invited designers to submit their most creative designs for the Pride7 t-shirt. Now, we want YOU to vote for the new t-shirt design.
We have received over 30 cool designs and the the committee has selected 8 for you to choose from.
The design requirements include the six colors of the rainbow flag, this year’s theme of “Love is Our Future / 爱于未来”, and the ShanghaiPRIDE logo.
To vote, just follow our WeChat ID: Shanghai-PRIDE or 上海骄傲节.
Vote link: Send message “Vote” to ShanghaiPRIDE WeChat.
Voting ends Monday 16March 12pm.
ShanghaiPRIDE reserves the rights of the final designs.