ShanghaiPRIDE 2017 Pride Talk – Calling Everyone! The Time is Now!

The Time is Now 想说就说

Here are some spoilers!

ShanghaiPRIDE 2017 is about to start again in June! This time we have special guests speaking at Pride Talk, with the variety of topics being broad and deep. It’ll make you ponder, and in some cases may make you blush…

The Time is Now to say what you want!  Let’s take a look at this year’s line up!

Event Recap

“At the moment, I’m straight!”
As a straight man, Jim has been deeply involved with ShanghaiPRIDE teams and events for many years. He’ll be telling us his story of going in and coming out of the closet…

Sweety Song
“You think of yourself as straight”
Majoring in French at one of the colleges in Nanjing, she met her partner at Taiwan’s Longshan Temple. Now Song is in China and her partner is in Canada. She wants to tell you why we are all performers when it comes to gender.

Guo Childe
“I interviewed LGBT groups in Shanghai universities and high school students.”
In my free time, I’m a student reporter. To finish my homework, I carried out interviews over a year, keeping in contact with the LGBT students. From the easy interviews to hard ones, I finally matured into an ally giving a voice to the LGBT community.


“Out and Proud”
Is it possible for strict missionary parents to change and accept their daughter when she comes out?

Wang Huan Quan
“In the LGBTQ community, being transgender is often ridiculed, and transgender people are often an easy target for violence.”
I am gay, and I’ll be talking about how I changed my world view through one simple lesson at a British university.

Sam Cruz
A legendary bike rider who lost his job, out of luck with love and his mother suffered a paralysing stroke. What made him decide to raise money for his ride from Shanghai to Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego for the purpose of educating and supporting the impoverished communities there?

Nie Nie
“As an LGBT person, I am not proud.”
As a member of the feminist group Bcome, Nie Nie participated in the drama “Our Vaginas, Ourselves”. Being such an amazing person, she should be proud. So why isn’t she?


Ba Ba
“Under Madrid’s sunshine, they hugged and kissed”
Being a Spanish major student, she had never been involved in or in contact with LGBT groups before. So how did her Spanish teacher help this straight girl become an LGBT ally that’ll never give up supporting the LGBT community?


“Before existence there is an intrinsic quality, and flowing is the most pleasurable ability”
As a student majoring in philosophy, definitely don’t ask Jing who she is…

Anonymous Speakers
Speaker 1: What is Asexuality?
Speaker 2: Cross Dresser

Date: 2017-06-10
Time: 14:00-17:00
Venue: Colca
Address: 199 Hengshan Rd (near South Wulumuqi Rd), Xuhui District
Next to Hengshan Metro Station exit 4

Hengshan Lu Station

Entry Fee: Free Entry, RSVP Required

Pride Talk RSVP QR Code


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