QT Intersectionality II: Racism & Han-centrism

Date: Sunday March 18th
Time: 5:30PM
Venue: Roxie
Happy Hour @ 2F, 359 Kangding Road near North Shanxi Road

QT Intersectionality lI: Racism & Han-centrism

Intersectionality recognizes that in gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and class, certain groups are oppressed by the same colonial and patriarchal system, thus finding unity in our diverse (and multifaceted) identities.

To some extent, almost everyone has heard the phrase: “That’s racist.” But, what does racism look like? Is it an obvious and violent act or mostly accidental and uniformed? Is there a difference between racism and preference? Does historical and geographic context matter when we talk about racism? How does Han-centrism in China function? Is Han the new White? Why or why not? Join QT in the second installment of a three part talk exploring the intersectionality of race and identity.

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