Pride10 Anniversary Gallery

To celebrate the 10th ShanghaiPRIDE, the ShanghaiPRIDE team presents the “Pride10 Anniversary Gallery”. In contrast to the art and photography exhibitions of previous years, this 3-week exhibition will be centered around ShanghaiPRIDE itself. It will showcase the history, footprints, and stories of the festival over the past decade. You will learn about the memorable experiences of the organizers and participants alike through different artistic mediums. This is an important milestone in the history and development of the LGBTQ community in Shanghai, as well as in Mainland China as a whole.

A dashing rainbow window and an exciting opening ceremony will welcome you.

You will then find yourself

traversing through the time tunnel

to see what ShanghaiPRIDE was like over the past 10 years.

The different artifacts we have been accumulating throughout the years encapsulate our lovely memories.

You may also find yourself in one of our video recordings and pictures from previous years.

You will see the memories left by our organizers, partners, and volunteers in the past decade on the Wall of Messages.

Don’t forget to leave your mark for the 10th ShanghaiPRIDE!

During the exhibition, you will have an opportunity to meet some of our senior organizers in person. You may also join our guided tours: Chinese ones will be available at 3pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 1pm during weekends, while English ones will be available at 3pm during weekends. Click “Read More” to book a slot. Co-founders and organizers of ShanghaiPRIDE will be greeting you during the Opening Evening on June 8.

Come to our exhibition and leave a message to get a ShanghaiPRIDE rainbow badge. If you post pictures taken in the gallery on WeChat Moments and send screenshot as proof to the message box of ShanghaiPRIDE WeChat Official Account, you will have a chance to win special souvenirs of Pride10.

Pride10 Anniversary Gallery

 2018-06-08 19:00-21:30


( Closed on Monday)



 Polar Bear Gallery


4B-102, M50 Creative Park, 50 Moganshan Rd

(near West Suzhou Rd), Putuo District

Free Entry, RSVP for guided tour

Scan  QR code  to RSVP

We will be waiting for you to celebrate together.

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