06-09 Recap & 06-11~12 Upcoming Events

01  Pride Run

As a regular event of ShanghaiPRIDE, Pride Run was sucessfully held on June 9. This year, we had DOW, Morgan Stanley, and Disney with us to demonstrate their diverse and inclusive corporate culture.

With their NIKE BETRUE 2018 T-shirts on, 200 runners departed from the Nike Huaihai BE, Ferguson Lane, as well as Jing’an Park, Long Museum, Shanghai Swimming Center, and the Bund.

The teams were running at a constant pace while coaches from Nike were keeping an eye on them and guiding them to breathe properly.

After finishing their routes, the runners arrived at Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai and received a medal, a ShanghaiPRIDE T-shirt, and a goodie bag.

All proceeds will be donated to support the China Team competing in Gay Games Paris 2018.

Thank you to Consulate General of the Netherlands in Shanghai, Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, Nike+ Run Club, Berlitz, Biotree, Lychee, Chope, Auderghem, Tenga, Xuhui CDC, and WeMan for supporting Pride Run.

Pride Run | Setting Out Fast & Proud

02 Rainbow Family Forum

This year’s forum continued to focus on the topic of family. Following our discussions last year, we further explored the possibilities of marriage and family in same-sex partnerships.

Despite the fact that there are still may challenges ahead, life for LGBTQ couples who have started families has been getting easier with the continual support of many parties.

▫▪ Bess Hepworth
Founder of the Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families Forum

▫▪ Sandy Chuan
Fertility expert certified by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Paediatrics

▫▪  Mr. Wang Haiquan
A Chinese Gay Father

Coming from three different regions, our three guest speakers shared their experiences and advice, covering topics such as mindset, community support and medical assistance. Audiences were deeply inspired by the various dimensions of the speeches.

We’d like to express our special appreciation to our partners Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai, Australian Consulate-General Shanghai, Planet Ally and TrueBaby. This event would not have been possible without their generous support.

Rainbow Family Forum | Are you ready?

03 PFLAG Conference

The PFLAG Conference was a monumental event that called to mind all the change and action our community have brought about over the past 10 years. Together, we have looked further into the future.

During the conference, our participants shared their stories of progress and avant-garde, they teamed up to display a distinctive Rainbow Market with communications and experiences-sharing.

All branches of PFLAG marched along the 5-meter rainbow carpet to show their spirit with pride.

Mothers of LGBTQ community members dressed in fabulous qipaos delivered an amazing performance with love.

A feminist perspective was also introduced during the discussion. At the end of the conference, everyone walked down the rainbow carpet in unity, making hopeful remarks for a brighter future.


04 Andaz Pink Brunch

Andaz Pink Brunch is the flagship event of the ShanghaiPRIDE-Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai partnership. Each year, we bring together our community, enjoy great food, and have a good time.

This year, at the 10th year of ShanghaiPRIDE, we were joined by over 400 lovely friends.

We would like to thank Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai for their unfaltering support. We’d also like to thank DJ IKU-IKU and MusicLab for their incredible performances.

Andaz Pink Brunch

05 Women Up! – Harassment Panel

Women Up! X CADVS is a series of 4 events focusing on anti-domestic violence. Initiated in 2017, this year’s session was the third sub-event that aimed to raise public awareness about sexual harassment. This time, we invited several knowledgeable speakers. Their inspirational speeches shed an insightful light for our audience.

We are honoured to have 3 speakers share their insights during this forum. Dr. Zhu Xixi, an expert in Gender Studies from Zhejiang University, briefed the audience on her project of anti-sexual harassment advocacy. Ms. Zhang Leilei, founder of Guangzhou F Group, shared her unique perspective on the role of the media in anti-sexual harassment campaign. Gender equality activist Xiong Jing returned to our event to explore why the elimination of gender-based violence is everybody’s responsibility.

After our speakers delivered their speeches, our audience had an opportunity to express and share their perspectives on anti-sexual harassment. The guest speakers were actively engaged with questions from the crowd.

Sexual harassment is in our everyday life. It’s in the office, school, wedding and all sorts of public spaces, verbally and physically. Saying no to sexual harassment requires bolder confrontation and even bolder enactment.

Our deepest appreciation to our faithful continuous supporter and partner, Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai and Spread the Bagel.

Women Up! | Anti-Sexual Harassment Panel

06 “The Journey of Light” LGBT Choir Concert

LGBTQ choruses from 7 different regions gathered in Shanghai on June 9 and sang together in the He Lvting Concert Hall, giving a successful start to the first National LGBT Choir Concert, “The Journey of Light”.

Shanghai Hyperbolic Singers

Blue Voice Chorus

Woozeal Chamber Singers

Beijing Queer Chorus

Nanjing New Jump Chorus

Choir by all choirs including
Shanxilandian Tongsheng Chorus
Guangzhou Rainbow Notes Choir

The first National LGBT Choir Concert was founded by Shanghai Hyperbolic Singers. It aims to express our love and courage through choral arrangements.

「The Journey of Light」Choir Concert to be held in China!

07 ShanghaiPRIDE Bling Party

On the evening of June 9, over a thousand party-goers gathered at The Pearl. They celebrated the 10th anniversary of ShanghaiPRIDE to kick-off a series of events during the next week.

The crowd had been waiting eagerly for the performances. Some even went up to the stage and showed off their moves.

As the first Pride party ever this year, it was blessed with a dynamic atmosphere. In the intoxicating vibe brought to you by DJ Sugar and DJ E-Cosmic, people danced with fit handsome men, Mark, George, Dino & Whyan and one of Shanghai’s gorgeous queen, Miss Uni Vers in the full call-out of fabulousness.

Starting with a solo by Cocosanti to “This is Me” followed by a surprise flash mob by Shanghai’s drag kings & Queens with many of volunteers from our fabulous LGBTQ community. After that, they moved onto the dance floor with the crowd.

The performances by acrobatics master Jon and Leo and drag queen Ivanna Sucalongkok brought us the most incredible experience ever.

Apart from the participation of the LGBTQ community, many allies joined in a wave of support. The party was filled with laughter and wildness. Together, we celebrated the 10th ShanghaiPRIDE.

We’d like to extend special thanks to H-Shield, Brander Urstoff, Wella EIMI, and WeMan for their generous support and sponsorship. Thank you to The Pearl for providing venue for this party event.

ShanghaiPRIDE Official Opening Party

Upcoming Events
2018-06-10 ~ 06-11
Please follow us for updates!

ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival

2018-06-11 Mon
Cafe Sambal
37A, Jiashan Market, 259 Jiashan Rd (near West Jianguo Rd), Xuhui District

2018-06-12 Tue
Goethe Institut
Suite 101 Cross Tower, 318 Fuzhou Rd (near Middle Shandong Rd), Huangpu District

Pride10 Anniversary Gallery

2018-06-09~07-01 10:00-18:00
(Closed on Monday)
Polar Bear Gallery
4B-102, M50 Creative Park, 50 Moganshan Rd
(near West Suzhou Rd), Putuo District
Free Entry, RSVP for guided tour

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