Pride Art | Invitation: Share the Pride with Art

Pride Art returns this June by inviting the public to submit artwork that showcases self-identity, diversity, and Pride.

Sneak peek on some of the art on display.

This year’s Pride Art is composed of three parts: “Self-awareness”, “Relationship”, and “Community”. “Self-awareness” explores the artists’ perception of themselves and towards the world from their own perspectives. Mirror element is used to present the association and mapping between the artists’ heart and the outside world. Images are used to explore artists’ understanding and expression of a “Relationship”. “Community” showcases the collective appearance of the LGBTQ community.

Sneak peek on some of the art on display.

The Pride Art opening ceremony will be held at Polar Bear Gallery in the afternoon of 8-June and will also include an Art Forum. Several artists will join us to share their inspiration behind their work

No registration needed. Feel free to stop by with your friends and family.


ShanghaiPRIDE Pride Art

2019-06-08 16:00-18:00
Duration:  2019-06-09~06-16
Time:  11:00-18:00
Venue: Polar Bear Gallery
Address: 4B-102, M50 Creative Park, 50 Moganshan Rd (near West Suzhou Rd), Putuo District
Free Entry


A big thank you to our sponsors for their support: Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Shanghai, Polar Bear Gallery, Coach, Great Leap Brewing, Spread The Bagel (STB), Yuni.

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