Recap | Pride11 Celebrated in Style and in Pink!

Last Saturday on June 15, friends, partners, and supporters showed up in unity for the Pink Party at RIINK to celebrate the 11th ShanghaiPRIDE!

Despite another last minute change of venue, the community and its allies still came out with excitement and pride to this once a year celebration, showing off that our city is full of diversity that is interwoven in the fabric of our society.

The theme of pink which surrounded all those who stepped into the venue was rightly justified to show joy and fun as party goers danced all night with drag and samba queens to the uplifting beats from DJs Iku Iku and Michelle Grant.

Throughout the night, raffle prizes were also given away by sponsors and partners.

Special thanks to Converse, RIINK, Budweiser, Tequila Rose, and Tito’s Vodka for supporting the Pink Party!

粉红派对 | 粉红风暴即将席卷魔都!

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