Pride Talk | Sharing Stories Under the Rainbow

This coming June is the time when the rainbow shines boldly, awaiting us to witness the beauty of the rainbow flag fluttering in the summer breeze.

At Pride Talk this year, we invite speakers from the LGBTQ community and allies to share their “rainbow” stories with us. Here are some of them:

Kele was a broadcast journalist with a local financial and economics TV channel. She will share her story about managing her life and identity as a public figure.

Jill, who is an ally of the LGBTQ community shares on how she met her first gay friend and what it means to be an ally.

James will share his life story about having married and divorced both a woman and a man.

Sachi will share their insights as a gender non-binary person in China and about their work at a transgender center in Beijing.

Mae will do a comparison about coming out to her conservative family in the Philippines and her “out” life as an expat in Shanghai.

Sherry will be sharing about the connections between traditional Confucianism and modernized pro-diversity values.

Mike is from Australia and has lived across Australia, Hong Kong and mainland China. He will share his experiences and insights of the development of the LGBTQ community in the cities he has resided.

There will be more exciting rainbow stories on the day. Sign up now as seats are limited.

Pride Talk



M Glam – 7/F Bund No. 5, 20 Guangdong Rd (near Zhongshan Dong Yi Rd), Huangpu District

Free entry, registration required.
Scan QR Code to register

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Event Participation and Health Check Entry Notice

a.All participants must register prior to attending an event. Upon entry, participants are required to measure their body temperature. If the participant’s temperature exceeds 37.3℃, or if the participant has a cough, shortness of breath or other flu-like symptoms, they shall not be allowed entry.

b.Please wear masks when entering and leaving the venue.

c.Please show your GREEN Shanghai QR Code when entering the venue. Participants with Shanghai QR Codes in other colors are not allowed to enter.

d.There is a limitation on the number of participants for all events. There will be no further admission once we reach maximum capacity for an event.

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