Do you still care what other people think of you?
Love! Say it out loud! Show it generously!
The 12th Shanghai Pride Festival will be held from June 13 to 21, 2020. The theme of this year is “敢晒,敢骄傲 Raise the Pride”. The Department of Culture and Education of the German Consulate General Shanghai (AKuB) supports strongly this festival, and therefore organizes an online photography competition with the theme “Queer Love(rs)“, raising the awareness of love as a universal human right.
- Send us your “Queer Love(rs)”-picture to our WeChat-Account: AKuB_Shanghai
- Give your picture a title, and indicate the copyright. Sharing the story behind this picture is also welcome
- Deadline for Submission: June 14, 2020 before 24:00
- Photography must be an original
- Format: jpg. or png.
- Size: 2MB ~ 10 MB
Representatives from Shanghai Pride Festival and AKuB will act as a jury, and select 10 pictures out of all submitted pictures, and publish these best 10 on June 16 on our WeChat Account for a final public voting. In this final voting the followers will decide, which picture represents “Queer Love(rs)” in the best, poetical, emotional, craziest, impressive way.
The selected 10 pictures will only be used for the public voting in the WeChat Account of AKuB, and in the frame of this online challenge.