Recap | Pride Talk Wraps Up Pride12

On June 21, ShanghaiPRIDE Pride Talk was held at M Glam for the third consecutive year.

The final day of June Pride wrapped up with LGBTQ friends and allies gathering together to hear from ten speakers about their stories of life under the rainbow and win the remaining raffle prizes.

In the first half of the event, we heard from speakers about coming out as a public figure, coming out in different countries, the significance of ancient culture in acceptance and tolerance, the challenges faced by LGBTQ youths, and life as a transgender person.

After intermission, we heard from speakers who shared stories about escaping blind dates and forced marriage, having been married and divorced to two people of different genders, how coming out has helped them be more inclusive at the workplace, a comparison of different cultures and their acceptance of the LGBTQ community, and how being an ally has helped change perceptions.

ShanghaiPRIDE would like to thank our partners, sponsors, the LGBTQ communities, and everyone who participated in Pride Talk this year, including the Australian Consulate General in Shanghai and Microsoft!

Pride Talk | Sharing Stories Under the Rainbow

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